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ASEBP understands that privacy is a critical concern for everyone. This Privacy Policy outlines our principles regarding our information handling practices related to personal information.

Date of Original Issue: September 24, 2008 
Dates Modified: August 11, 2010; January 4, 2016; October 9, 2018; July 12, 2019; December 30, 2020; January 25, 2022; March 3, 2023

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Canadian privacy legislation recognizes the right of the individual to have their personal information protected and the need of organizations such as ASEBP to collect, use, or disclose personal information for purposes that are reasonable. ASEBP is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information under its custody or control in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act of Alberta ("PIPA" or "the Act") which came into force in January 2004. In some situations, the Personal Information Protection Electronic Documents Act of Canada (“PIPEDA”) may apply.  

At the root of ASEBP's information management practice is the belief that we must be transparent in our management of personal information and safeguard the personal information entrusted to us. Fundamentally, ASEBP protects all personal information and only shares/discloses personal information if we have consent or when required by legislation.

Guideline Statement

ASEBP believes that ensuring the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of the personal information in its custody and control is more than simply a legislated requirement, it is an ethical obligation. ASEBP's Privacy Policy is based on the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Model Code for the protection of personal information and privacy legislation.

ASEBP reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time; it may add, modify, or remove portions of this policy without notice, other than the posting of this Privacy Policy on its website.

Section 1: Accountability

1.1    ASEBP is responsible for all personal information under its custody or control. This obligation extends to anyone whose personally identifiable information is collected, used, or disclosed by ASEBP.

1.2    Overall responsibility for the protection of personal information and compliance with this policy rests with ASEBP's chief executive officer and privacy officer. 

1.3    ASEBP shall have policies and/or procedures for protection of personal information, processing requests for access to information and for responding to suspected or known privacy breaches. These policies may be made available upon request.

1.4    All new ASEBP employees and Trustees shall undergo an orientation regarding privacy, access to and protection of personal information. Regular refresher and ad hoc training shall also be provided as deemed necessary.

Section 2: Identifying Purposes

2.1    ASEBP shall communicate the purpose(s) why personal information is being collected, either orally or in writing.

2.2    The primary purpose for collecting personal information about covered members and their dependants is to provide benefit coverage*. Secondary purposes include, but are not limited to the following:

a.    To understand the health needs of its covered members;

b.    To develop and manage products and services to meet the needs of its members;

c.    To contact members directly for ASEBP products and services that may be of interest;

d.    To determine eligibility for services;

e.    To ensure a high standard of service for its members;

f.    To meet regulatory requirements;

g.    To verify identity;

h.    To conduct audits of claims;

i.    To administer the terms and conditions of the benefit plans; and

j.    To answer questions or communicate information related to job opportunities at ASEBP. 

Note: For the purpose of this Privacy Policy and all related policies and procedures, the term 'benefit coverage' shall include income replacement benefits, general health benefits, spending accounts and the Employee and Family Assistance Program.

2.3    The primary purpose for collecting personal employee information is to establish, manage, or terminate an employment or volunteer-work relationship or manage a post-employment or post-volunteer-work relationship. 

2.4    ASEBP is required to collect certain types of personal information to satisfy legal requirements. For example, ASEBP is required to collect an individual's Social Insurance Number in accordance with the Income Tax Act to issue T4A slips for income replacement benefits or Wellness Spending Accounts.

2.5    Unless required by law, ASEBP shall not use or disclose, for any new purpose, personal information that has been previously collected without first identifying and documenting the new purpose and obtaining the consent of the covered member.

Section 3: Consent

3.1    ASEBP shall obtain consent to collect, use, or disclose any personal information except where detailed in this Policy or where allowed by legislation. ASEBP shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that members understand how their personal information will be collected, used, and disclosed. 

3.2    ASEBP does not require consent from a covered member’s dependants (i.e. spouse and children) where collection, use, or disclosure of their personal information is for the purpose of enrolment in or coverage under an insurance policy or benefit plan as these individuals are deemed by PIPA to have provided such consent. ASEBP shall obtain consent from dependants when collection, use, or disclosure of their personal information is required for any purpose not consistent with enrolment in or coverage under an insurance policy or benefit plan.

3.3    PIPA states that minors can act on their own behalf if they understand the nature of the rights and powers conferred upon them by the Act, and the consequences of exercising them. ASEBP has considered the nature of its business in light of this provision and has deemed that the majority of individuals who are 16 to 17 years of age would understand their rights as set out in the Act. ASEBP has identified these individuals as "knowledgeable dependants." Accordingly, ASEBP requires all knowledgeable dependants to provide consent for the collection, use or disclose their personal information where such collection, use or disclosure is not for the purpose of enrolment in or coverage under an insurance policy or benefit plan. (2010-08-11)

3.4    Consent regarding the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information related to an individual under 16 years of age, for a purpose that is not consistent with enrolment in or coverage under an insurance policy or benefit plan will be managed pursuant to ASEBP's Dependant Consent Process.

3.5    In some situations, an authorized representative may take the place of the covered member. This means that another person has the authority to do what the individual can do under PIPA. An authorized representative may be:

a.    A guardian of a minor (someone who has the care and custody of a minor or takes daily care of the minor – for example, a married parent, a divorced parent with a custody order, a guardian appointed by a court, etc.);

b.    An executor or administrator of the estate of an individual who has died;

c.    A guardian or trustee of a dependent adult;

d.    An individual acting with the written authorization of an individual; or

e.     An individual who is acting under an appropriate and valid power of attorney.

3.6    Privacy legislation sets out certain situations that allow an organization to collect, use, or disclose information without consent, including, but not limited to, the following:

a.    When such collection, use, or disclosure is permitted or required by law;

b.    When use or disclosure of information is necessary to respond to an emergency that threatens the life, health, or security of an individual or the public;

c.    When the information is publicly available;

d.    When ASEBP needs to collect a debt from a covered member;

e.    When a reasonable person would consider that the collection, use, or disclosure of the information is clearly in the interest of the individual and consent cannot be obtained in a timely way or the individual would not reasonably be expected to withhold consent; and

f.    When ASEBP is required to disclose information pursuant to a subpoena, warrant or court order, or to comply with a rule of court that relates to production of information;

Note: A full list of circumstances that allow the collection, use or disclosure of personal information without consent is detailed in the Personal Information Act of Alberta and the federal Personal Information Protection Electronic Documents Act.

3.7    Consent may be given orally, in writing, or electronically, depending on the sensitivity of the information. For example, consent for disclosing benefit entitlement information to a spouse or service provider may be given over the phone, whereas ASEBP requires written consent to use/disclose bank account information for direct deposit or withdrawal purposes. ASEBP has developed specific consent forms for use by covered members and their dependants—these forms can be accessed via the ASEBP website.

3.8    Consent may be withdrawn or varied at any time subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. Individuals withdrawing consent will be notified of any impact this may have on their eligibility for services provided by ASEBP. ASEBP shall not unreasonably withhold services or information from covered members who refuse or withdraw consent; however, most services cannot be provided without collection, use, or disclosure of personal information. Therefore, consent is usually required in order for ASEBP to continue providing its suite of services. Anyone considering withdrawing or varying their consent should contact ASEBP to determine the implications this may have. If consent is withdrawn or varied, a reasonable period of time is required to process the request.

Section 4: Limiting Collection of Personal Information

4.1    ASEBP will only collect personal information required for reasonable business purposes. Where appropriate, ASEBP shall collect personal information directly from the individual whom the information is about. Nevertheless, it is sometimes necessary to collect personal information from third parties such as employers (e.g. salary) and physicians (e.g. diagnoses, treatment plans). When ASEBP needs to collect information from such third parties, it will do so with consent of the individual. ASEBP is not responsible for any additional information covered members provide directly to these parties.

4.2    ASEBP may record telephone conversations to its benefits inquiries line and will provide advance notice of any such recordings. Additionally, although not recorded, some calls may be monitored for training purposes and documented to enhance customer service and confirm discussions with covered members.

Section 5: Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention of Personal Information

5.1    Personal information will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected, for a consistent purpose, or as required by legislation. ASEBP shall only use information for a different purpose if granted consent to do so.

5.2    To optimize the services provided, ASEBP may disclose or transfer personal information to third party service providers, including service providers located outside Canada. ASEBP selects all service providers carefully and insists that they have privacy and security standards that meet ASEBP’s strict requirements. ASEBP shall only provide these service providers the personal information required for them to perform the services or functions for which they have been engaged. ASEBP requires service providers to retain any personal information in strictest confidence and we restrict their use of covered members’ personal information to what is necessary to act on ASEBP’s behalf. ASEBP remains accountable for ensuring compliance with PIPA. Contracts with service providers will be drafted to ensure that compliance with privacy legislation is maintained.

5.3    The length of time that personal information is retained by ASEBP varies depending upon the reason why the personal information was collected. This period may extend beyond the end of the relationship with the individual but only for so long as required for business purposes or as required by legislation. 

5.4    Reasonable and systematic controls shall be maintained to ensure that records retention and destruction schedules are followed. Personal information that is no longer required shall be destroyed, deleted, erased, or made anonymous. ASEBP shall use appropriate security measures when disposing of personal information.

5.5    ASEBP does not engage in the selling, trading, renting, or leasing of personal information.

5.6    ASEBP may disclose personal information without consent when required pursuant to the provisions of applicable privacy legislation. In these circumstances, ASEBP shall protect the rights of the individual by making reasonable efforts to ensure that:

a.    orders, warrants, or demands appear to comply with the laws under which they were issued;

b.    only the personal information that is legally required, and nothing more, is disclosed; and

c.    it shall not comply with casual requests for personal information from government or law enforcement authorities.

ASEBP may notify individuals that such disclosure of personal information has been made pursuant to an order, warrant, or demand if allowed by legislation. 

Section 6: Accuracy

6.1    Personal information used by ASEBP shall be as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.

6.2    An individual who believes that their personal information is incorrect or incomplete may ask ASEBP to correct is by submitting a request for correction in writing and provide sufficient background information so that ASEBP can locate the information. ASEBP shall not charge a fee for handling requests for correction of personal information.

6.3    If ASEBP agrees to correct the information, the correction will be done as soon as possible. If it is reasonable to do so, ASEBP shall convey the corrected information to whomever the incorrect information was disclosed.

6.4    If ASEBP decided not to make a correction, ASEBP must make a note on the personal information saying that a correction was requested. If the personal information is only retained in electronic form, the request shall be documented in an appropriate manner on the covered member's electronic file..

6.5    ASEBP will not correct or change an opinion, including an opinion from a professional (e.g. a doctor) or an expert. Opinions about an individual are based upon the other person's view at the time the opinion was given. In ASEBP's sole discretion, ASEBP may contact the provider of the opinion to determine if any revisions to the opinion are required to ensure that decisions are based on accurate information. ASEBP may not contact the provider in the event that the person whom the information is about disagrees with the opinion provided or if the information is not required to make a  decision about the covered member.

6.6    When ASEBP received a notice that another organization has corrected an individual's personal information, ASEBP must also correct that same personal information about the individual that is in its custody or under its control.

Section 7: Safeguarding Personal Information

7.1    ASEBP is committed to the protection of personal information, regardless of the format in which it is held (e.g. paper or electronic), to prevent loss, theft, unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure, or modification.

7.2    To ensure the security of personal information, ASEBP will employ reasonable security measures, including physical security of offices, electronic security measures such as passwords and encryption, and training programs. Extensive controls are in place to maintain the security of our operations and information systems.

7.3    ASEBP employees shall use authorized authentication methods to verify the identity of the individual during telephone conversations or in person attendances at its offices.

7.4    As a condition of employment, all ASEBP employees and Trustees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement. In addition, ASEBP regularly informs employees about its policies and procedures for protecting personal information. Throughout the term of employment, ASEBP employees are expected to respect and maintain confidentiality of personal information.

7.5    Although ASEBP provides its covered members with access to their customer profile online (My ASEBP), including the ability to enter benefit claims and spending account expenses, and takes all reasonable steps to safeguard the transmissions, ASEBP is not responsible if the information submitted electronically is intercepted.

7.6    The development of ASEBP's policies and procedures for the protection and handling of personal information is an ongoing process. As technology changes, ASEBP shall update, review, and develop information protection guidelines to ensure ongoing information security.

7.7    When ASEBP destroys personal information, appropriate safeguards shall be in place to prevent unauthorized access to the information during the destruction process.

7.8    When ASEBP transfers personal information to third party service providers, appropriate safeguards shall be in place to prevent loss or unauthorized access to the information during the transfer process.

7.9    In the event of a suspected or confirmed breach of personal information, ASEBP shall take immediate action, including but not limited to investigation of the incident, steps to contain the breach, evaluation of the risks associated with the breach, consideration as to whether the affected individual and/or the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner should be notified and what steps are necessary to safeguard against further breaches. If there is a real and significant risk of harm to an individual as a result of the breach, ASEBP shall notify the affected individual and the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner.

Section 8: Openness

8.1    ASEBP may make information about its policies regarding privacy available to any person upon request. However, to ensure the integrity of its security procedures and business methods, ASEBP will not disclose proprietary information.

8.2    ASEBP shall, upon request, make the following available:

a.    The name, title, and address of the person accountable for the policies and to whom inquiries can be forwarded;

b.    A description of the type of personal information held by ASEBP and a general account of its use; and

c.    An explanation of what personal information is made available to third parties.

8.3    Once anonymized, personal information collected in accordance with the various ASEBP Plan Documents may be combined to enhance services provided to our covered members. Such anonymized data is not personal information pursuant to the Act; accordingly, the Act shall not apply to anonymized data.

Providing Access

8.4    ASEBP shall, upon request, provide individuals access to their personal information and respond openly, completely, and accurately. To safeguard personal information, ASEBP may request specific information to verify an individual's identity prior to providing access to the requested information. Any personal information collected to verify identity shall not be used for any other purpose.

8.5    If asked, ASEBP shall:

a.    Give the individual access to his or her personal information;

b.    Tell the individual what the information has been, or is being, used for; and

c.    Tell the individual to whom, and in what situations, the information is being, or has been, disclosed.

8.6    The only exceptions to the above are if ASEBP has no such record, or if legislation permits otherwise.

8.7    In most cases, requests for access to personal information will be straight forward and will be accommodated with a minimum of bureaucratic procedure. However, the following details should be considered when a formal request for personal information is made:

a.    A request for access to personal information must be written and provide sufficient details so that ASEBP can make a reasonable effort to locate the information;

b.   Upon receiving the request, ASEBP shall take reasonable measures to respond to an applicant within 45* calendar days of receipt; and
Note:  If PIPEDA applies, the request must be provided within 30 days of receipt

c.   If the request involves information that pre-dates January 2004, ASEBP may not have a record of the personal information, persons, or organizations to whom the individual’s personal information may have been disclosed.

8.8    If an individual has a sensory disability, ASEBP shall provide access in an alternative format, if available and if reasonable to do so.


8.9    An applicant who makes a request for access to a record containing personal information may be required to pay a basic fee of $25 for performing one or more of the following steps to produce a copy of the information:

a.    Receiving and clarifying the request;

b.    Obtaining consent, if necessary;

c.    Locating and retrieving the records;

d.    Preparing the record for copying, including removing staples and paper clips;

e.    Preparing a response letter;

f.    Packaging copies for shipping or faxing, or both;

g.    Postage and faxing costs;

h.    Photocopying or printing a record.

8.10    Processing of a request may not commence until the basic fee has been paid, if applicable.

8.11    In addition to the basic fee, additional fees in accordance with the ASEBP Fee Schedule may be charged for producing a copy of a record.

8.12    In some cases, ASEBP may require full payment in advance of providing the responsive records or may require a deposit equal to one-half of the estimated fee before ASEBP will complete the request. If a deposit has been requested and paid, the outstanding balance must be paid prior to release of the responsive records.

8.13    Individuals may challenge the reasonableness to charge fees to respond to an access request; however, ASEBP shall require information or documentation to validate the reduction or elimination of the fees.

Responding to a request for personal information

8.14    ASEBP has a duty to assist individuals who request access to their personal information (“applicants”).  If it is reasonable to do so, ASEBP will explain terms, abbreviations, and codes used in it records.

8.15    Records consists of not only the paper file documents, but also electronic data.


8.16    ASEBP shall respond to a request for personal information within 45* calendar days of receiving the request. However, if there are situations that require extensive review, or a need to consult a third party, the Act allows for extra time to respond. The 45-day timeframe to respond does not include the time between when clarification or additional information is requested and received, the fee estimate is given and the deposit is received or when the applicant is advised of the balance owing and when payment is made in full. 
*Note: 30 days if PIPEDA applies

8.17    PIPA allows ASEBP to take an extra 30 days to respond if:

a.    The request does not give enough information to allow one to identify the personal information or the record requested;

b.    A large amount of personal information is requested or must be searched;

c.    Completing the request in 45 days would unreasonably interfere with the operations of ASEBP; or

d.    ASEBP must consult with another organization or public body to decide if access should be given.

8.18    If necessary, ASEBP may ask the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta for a further time extension beyond the additional 30 days set out in the preceding paragraph in which to respond to the request.

8.19   If ASEBP takes extra time to respond to a request, the applicant will be advised:

a.    Why more time is required;

b.    When ASEBP will respond to the request; and

c.    That the applicant may ask for a review or make a complaint to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta.


8.20    If ASEBP is unable to respond to a request for access to information within the legislated time days, the applicant must be informed:

a.    If ASEBP has a record;

b.    Whether they are entitled to all or part of the information requested;

c.    If entitled, whether access will be given to all or part of the information; and

d.    If access will be given, where, when, and how it will be given; and

e.    The reason for the delayed response.

8.21    If ASEBP refuses access to all or part of the information, the applicant is advised:

a.    The reason(s) for the refusal and the section(s) of the legislation that allow, or require ASEBP to refuse access;

b.    The name of the person in the organization who can answer questions about the refusal; and

c.    That they may ask ASEBP or the applicable Privacy Commissioner to review the organization’s decision to refuse access.

8.22    If an applicant requests access to medical information, ASEBP may release this information to the applicant's treating physician or specialist if providing the information directly to the applicant is not appropriate.

Exceptions to giving access

8.23    ASEBP may refuse access to personal information as set out in privacy legislation. The exceptions most likely to be relied upon are:

a.    When the information is protected by any legal privilege, for example, information in a letter sent between lawyers about a lawsuit or other legal action, or between a lawyer and client when the client is asking for legal advice, or the lawyer is giving legal advice to the client; or

b.    When disclosure would reveal confidential business information, and it is not unreasonable to hold back the information.

8.24    Pursuant to privacy legislation, ASEBP must refuse disclosure if disclosure:

a.    Could reasonably be expected to threaten the life or security of another individual;

b.    Would reveal personal information about another individual; or

c.    Would identify the individual who gave an opinion about another individual, and the individual giving the opinion does not give his or her consent to disclose his or her identity. ASEBP can hold back the identity of the person who wrote the opinion while still giving access to the opinion itself, unless the applicant could determine who gave the opinion by reading it.

8.25    If any of the information in a record meets the criteria set out in the preceding paragraph, that information should be severed and the applicant will be advised of the relevant legislative authority used to sever such information. The remaining information shall then be given to the applicant provided that the integrity of the record is not compromised or destroyed as a result of the severing.

Section 9: Compliance and Complaints

9.1    Compliments, complaints, concerns, or questions about this Privacy Policy or related policies should be directed to the ASEBP privacy officer by email at

9.2    All complaints, questions, and concerns will be acknowledged, recorded and responded to by ASEBP in a timely manner.

9.3    If the privacy officer is unable to address the concern, the issue may be referred to ASEBP's chief executive officer.

9.4    If a complaint is found to be justified, appropriate measures will be taken, including if necessary, amendment of ASEBP’s policies, practices and procedures. ASEBP shall advise the complainant of the results of the investigation and any action taken.

Section 10: My ASEBP Account Deletion Request

To begin the process to delete your My ASEBP account, please email and provide us with your:

  1. Full name (first name last name)
  2. My ASEBP ID
  3. My ASEBP account registered email address

It is important to note that deleting your My ASEBP account* means you will no longer be able to access your (and your dependant’s) personal benefit information, submit claims online, and transfer out-of-pocket expenses to your spending account (if you have one). You will also experience a delay in claim reimbursements.

*While ASEBP will delete your username, password, and other login-in related information, we will securely retain all information required to administer your ASEBP benefits, such as claim history.

Please allow ASEBP 30 business days to finalize this request. Should you wish to reactive your My ASEBP account, you can re-register at any time.

Section 11: Additional Information

10.1    My ASEBP utilizes Google Maps’ application programming interface(s). Google Maps’ features and content is subject to Google’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

ASEBP Fee Schedule

Request for Access to Personal Information


For searching for, locating and retrieving a record

$6.75 per 1/4 hour


For producing a record from an electronic record:

(a) Computer processing and related charges

Actual cost to ASEBP


For producing a paper copy of a record:

(a) photocopies and computer printouts:
     (i) black and white up to 8 1/2” x 14”
     (ii) other formats

(b) from microfiche or microfilm   


(i) $0.25 per page
(ii) $0.50 per page

(b) $0.50 per page 


For producing a copy of a record by duplication of the following media:

(a) microfiche and microfilm
(b) computer disks
(c) computer tapes
(d) slides
(e) audio and video tapes


(a) Actual cost to ASEBP
(b) $5.00 per disk
(c) Actual cost to ASEBP
(d) $2.00 per slide
(e) Actual cost to ASEBP


For producing a photographic copy (colour or black and white) printed on photographic paper from a negative, slide or digital image:

(a) 4” x 6”
(b) 5” x 7”
(c) 8” x 10”
(d) 11” x 14”
(e) 16” x 20”


(a) $3.00
(b) $6.00
(c) $10.00
(d) $20.00
(e) $30.00


For producing a copy of a record by any process or in any medium or format not listed in sections 3 to 5 

Actual cost to ASEBP


For preparing and handling a record for 

$15.00 per 1/4 hour


For supervising the examination of a record (by an applicant)

$15.00 per 1/4 hour


For shipping a record or a copy of a record

Actual cost to ASEBP


Outside Canada Service Provider Statement

ASEBP may use service providers outside of Canada to perform certain functions on our behalf in order to optimize the services we provide. Note that in these situations, ASEBP will verify that the appropriate privacy and security protocols are in place before entering into contracts with the external service provider(s), as outlined below.

Date of Original Issue: September 21, 2020

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The globalization of information and communication technologies has transformed the way in which organizations interact with and provide services to their customers. For ASEBP to optimize the services we provide, it may be advantageous to engage the services of a service provider outside Canada. 


This statement applies to all personally identifiable information held by ASEBP, including but not limited to covered members, dependants, ASEBP employees and other individuals that have coverage through an organization for which ASEBP provides third party administrative services. This statement does not apply to aggregate information. 

How we protect personal information

In the event that ASEBP transfers personal information to a service provider outside Canada or we allow such a service provider to use personal information, we will, through contractual means and/or through verification of the service provider’s privacy and/or security policies, ensure that the service provider:

  1. Protects the information in a manner that is consistent with our Privacy Policy and security practices, as well as applicable law; and
  2. Uses the information only for purposes that we have authorized, and for which individuals have provided their consent.

When transferring or allowing access to personal information to service providers outside Canada, we provide only that information which is required to perform the services for which they have been engaged.

Just as personal information held by ASEBP is subject to disclosure to Canadian law enforcement and other authorities in accordance with applicable provincial and federal laws, service providers outside Canada are bound by the laws of the jurisdictions in which they are located. These laws may require them to disclose personal information to the courts, law enforcement agencies or national security authorities in those jurisdictions.

Where we transfer personal information

Due to the global nature of information processing, personal information transferred to a service provider outside Canada may subsequently be relocated to another country. For example, a service provider in the United States may enter into an agreement with another service provider located in a different country regarding the services for which we engaged it. As a result, all or part of the personal information we provided to that original service provider may be transferred to that other country. Accordingly, when securing the services of the original service provider located outside Canada, ASEBP shall ascertain whether that service provider may transfer personal information to their service provider so as to ensure that there is a comparable level of protection of that personal information.

Service provider locations and purposes

Currently, we have entered into contracts with service providers outside Canada to provide the following services to ASEBP:

Number Country Purpose
1 United States Bulk email services
2 Canada & United States Secure file sharing and transfer services
3 United States Internal online chat messaging 
4 United States Investment management services
5 United States Investment management services
6 United States Investment management services
7 United States Investment management services
8 Scotland Investment management services
9 United States Video conferencing services
10 United States Automated video transcription services
11 United States HR survey platform
12 United States Recruitment and learning development services
13 United States Applicant tracking system
14 Ireland Presentation/infographic tool
15 United States Automated transaction matching and reporting
16 United States Information Technology Service Management and Service Desk Tool to allow service teams to receive and manage staff requests for service and support
17 United States Facility management software
18 Canada & United States Cloud service to provide infrastructure-as-a-service features
19 United States Teleprompter program
20 United States Secure platform to provide gift cards
21 North America & Global Workflow automation system
22 North America & Global Customer service solution focusing on managing customer support contacts and secure electronic messaging


Contact information

Questions or concerns about the collection, use, disclosure, transfer or storage of personal information to or by service providers outside of Canada on behalf of ASEBP should be directed to ASEBP’s privacy officer:

Privacy Officer
Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan
Suite 301, 6104-104 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6H 2K7
Phone: 780-438-5300 
Toll Free: 1-877-431-4786
Fax: 780-438-5304