Please note: Covered members may receive an email from ASEBP's 3rd-party vendor, Leger, who is conducting a short survey on ASEBP's behalf.


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Retirement on your mind?

Join our Spring Retirement Seminar online on different days between April 16 - 26, at 4 p.m. (MDT) to learn about retirement finances, pension options, and the journey into retirement lifestyle. 


Register for a session today! 

Hello, ASEBP

  • ASEBP News
Oct. 2, 2019

Have a question about your coverage? Our benefit specialists are experts when it comes to the plan, and they’re always ready to help! The friendly voices behind the Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan's (ASEBP) contact centre are located at our Edmonton office, so it’s easy to get in touch your way—by phone, email or in person.

We told you there’s news to share, so here it is: we’ve extended our benefit line hours for the school year to help serve you better! From September to June, you can now call us Monday to Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.—just remember, our office hours haven’t changed.

So now that you know when (and where) to reach us, don’t hesitate to get in touch